Our last name is what we do best, and that is
why Cuna Supply doesn't assemble,
build, construct, design, engineer,
fabricate, or manufacture anything.
Fortunately for all
highly-experienced manufacturers make everything we
Here's a list of some of the industrial products
Cuna Supply will go all-out to SEEK, FIND, &
Abrasives, Adhesives
Air Filtration & Purification
Bins, Boxes, Cases
Construction Materials
Coveralls, Protective Gear
Cutting Tools
Electrical Hardware
Environmental Cleanup
Fasteners, Clamps, Straps
First Aid Kits
Flooring, Carpet, Tile
General Hardware |
Grounding & Bonding Hardware
Hand Tools
Identification Labels
Janitorial Supplies
Markers & Tags
Material Handling Equip
Medical Hardware
Moisture Barrier
Paints & Protective Coatings
Power Tools & Accessories
Production Equipment
Pumps, Tanks, Controls |
Respirators & Filters
Roofing Membranes & Liners
Safety & Security
Sealants and Caulk
Shelving and Racks
Stationary Power Tools
Storage Cabinets
Surge Protection, UPS
Tarps & Temporary Shelters
Test Instruments
Waterproofing Compounds
Welding Equipment
Sourcing and supply
are what we
know and do best, so we try to drop terms like
"demand spike", "just-in-time", and "safety
stock" into every discussion. It's great
fun for us, but tends to derail conversations
about entertainment, sports, politics, etc. But please don’t think we’re totally obsessed
with our work; we’re just very, very, very focused.
Ps. If you’re still reading this page, you’ve
probably been called “very, very, very focused” (or
something similar) too. Please accept our congratulations! |